domingo, 22 de abril de 2018


Once upon a time some little trolls that lives in a tree. They were eleven: pink, yellow, blue, orange, green, red, white, gray black, purple and brown. They lived very happy together.

One day a monster who hated the colors appeared and destroyed all their houses where they lived.

They loved the color and they decided to paint on the walls, drawings for example: pink cars, red hearts and blue stuffed animals.

When the night came. The owner of the cave arrived. He was the monster, 
He was very angry because he hated the colors. 

When the monster was a baby he loved the dolls and his parents prohibited him to play whit them.

The only gave him blue cars. But now he discovered that the trolls were like him and that his cave was very beautiful. The monster and the trolls became to be friends and together they  rebuit the houses.

Este precioso cuento fue contado el pasado 13 de Abril por un grupo de alumnas del ciclo formativo de grado superior en Técnico superior en Educación Infantil de Eboraformación
Además cabe añadir que ha sido elaborado artesanalmente por la narradora del cuento. Una autentica maravilla, los/as niños/as lo pasaron en grande.

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